And Now For Writing Updates

We’ve all lived through some crazy things this past year. (Really, the past two years, but since I am way behind on posting book updates, that’s where I’m picking up.) My c-section baby is almost fourteen months old (and walking everywhere!!), and a couple of weeks ago my family marked the one-year anniversary of losing my dad. My children are older, bigger, and taller, and I can’t believe it’s been that long already.

I had a lot of plans for last year, most of which never happened. LOL! The best-laid plans of mice and men, as they say. (I’m sure most of you can relate.) Even without Covid craziness, life was chaotic.

On the bright side, throughout all the ups and downs and uncertainties of this fragile thing we call life, the Lord has enabled me to keep writing. Sometimes very slowly, but still… Forward progress is forward progress.

I’m grateful for that, because I know that hasn’t been the case for a lot of fellow writers. The stress of reality has prevented a lot of people from doing anything creative on this front. For me, personally, Covid created a special kind of project block. I couldn’t write about anything approaching normal. Hence the birth of my detective on a space station series.

I’ve posted a slew of release updates this past week on various things. The third Finder book, Old Wounds. A new time travel romance short story, Anniversary. Trade paper editions of all three Finder books.

And now for the actual writing updates…

Finder Series

The next two books in the Finder series are coming along nicely. Both novels will stand alone, but their overarching stories are more closely linked than any of the other books in the series so far. This has required a lot more back and forth editing to make sure everything meshes properly.

One book is mostly done; the other is in progress. Hoping to have them done by the summer, but we’ll see.

The Guardians

Back in early 2020, I’d planned to start major work on Book 5 in The Guardians, but as some of you might remember, it ended up being a casualty of Covid. Before I could start writing, I needed to go back through the first four books and put the entire story back in my head. With everything going on in the world, I discovered my poor brain just couldn’t handle a story that complex. So, I put it aside until things calmed down a little.

I think that time has finally arrived. Not that the world isn’t still completely upside down, but my creative voice has finally decided that it’s reached the point where it can tackle this project. I’ve started the process of going back through all the books, and, wow, has it reminded me how much I love these characters and their stories!

I’ve really missed The Guardians universe, and I’m really going to enjoy digging back into this final book.

It makes me feel like the flowers in the picture above. Finally starting to emerge from the strangeness and let my writing bloom again.


The small town romance series I started back at the beginning of 2020 is still on hold. Not sure I can get back to real-world romance yet, but the characters are starting to stir. There’s hope. *grin*

I have several other tentative projects started, but nothing major to report at the moment.

On a completely different subject, is it not absolutely amazing how Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter has shattered all Kickstarter records for largest crowdfunding project??? He’s up to almost 28 million dollars and still has eighteen days left to go! Incredible.

I know I’m not the only fan who is thrilled to get four new books next year!

Now, it’s off to prepare for daylight savings time beginning tomorrow. Hope it’s an easy transition for everyone. It’s going to be interesting for my little ones. (Not to mention getting everybody out the door for church!)

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

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