Kickstarter is Doing Fantastic!

I am so excited! God is so good! My Kickstarter campaign for A Tale of Star-Crossed Hearts funded in 16 minutes yesterday!!! 16 minutes! I’ve never had a campaign fund that fast before.

Thank you to all of you who have supported the campaign so far! I am so thrilled to be able to share this book with you.

In addition, we’ve unlocked the first Stretch Goal! Two gorgeous black and white illustrations will now be included in every edition of the book!

This artist is amazing. You should have seen the stick figure sketch I sent him as the basis for the illustration on the left. LOL. It is very obvious I am an artist with words, not with drawing things.

There are more cool Stretch Goals to come, depending on how high this goes. I’m hoping we can get to the next few of them.

A Tale of Star-Crossed Heart‘s campaign will run until 10 PM March 20th. So there’s plenty of time to check it out if you’re interested.

Catch you later!

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