Book Updates

I haveDream_Soul_Awakens_Imagination some great news!

…no, spring isn’t here yet. I know, I know, I’m disappointed too. I’m ready for sunshine and warm weather and our front porch.

But! Snow, ice, and bitter cold aside, the end of January was really productive—I’ve finished both the rough draft of Treason’s Edge and the first round of Lady Ink’s edits!

That’s a good thing, because so far I’ve spent February involved in pre-spring Spring Cleaning. (Otherwise known as the great Winter 2014 Can’t-Stand-The-Looming-Cobwebs-And-Giant-Lurking-Dust-Bunnies-Anymore Cleaning Adventure.) So happy I finished before we dug out the cleaning supplies. 😛

Treason’s Edge clocked in at just under 183,000 words, which makes it the longest book I’ve written to date. It’s crazy; I had no intentions of letting it get that long, but the story just kept going. I will be making cuts in the editing process, however, so that number will decrease. But still…my characters had a lot going on in this book. *shakes head*

Unexpected length aside, and despite the fact that the story and my idea of the story wrestled with each other from the start, I’m pleased with how it turned out. Without giving too much away, I can tell you the book ends with a bit of a bang. *grin*

Editing Treason’s Edge will commence as soon as I’ve sent Lady Ink off to my first readers. I’m looking forward to finishing it so I can start writing Book 4. That’s going to be fun.

Speaking of Lady Ink, I’m hoping to send it off to my first readers in the next couple of weeks. As I think I mentioned, the sequel is already clamoring for attention,  but I don’t want to start writing it until I’ve got everything nailed down in the first book. *grin* There are a few areas I need to flesh out a bit more.

With TE done, I’ve turned my drafting attention back to my 2013 NaNoWriMo project (which technically I began back in May, when a particular scene popped into my head and refused to leave me alone until I wrote it down). I think I’m about 2/3 of the way through the rough draft.

It’s a sci-fi novel with a developing dash of romance. (My two main protagonists are a stranded female pirate with a prosthetic hand and a space captain who join forces after they’re both double-crossed by the same man. It’s been interesting.)

At the moment, I’ve gotten everyone into a terrible jam and I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to get them out of it. It’s terrifying and exhilarating all rolled into one. *grin* No title yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I come up with one.

Stay tuned…I have a big announcement coming later this week.

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1 Response to Book Updates

  1. Heather says:

    Hmmm…I don’t think I’ve been told about this plot line yet. Sounds like lots of fun!

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